Friday, September 12, 2014

Is he/she the one?

      In life it’s important to be with the right person. Next question that could pop in your mind is, ‘how to find that right person?’ I mean we neither possess any x-ray vision so that we’d be able to distinguish them from others nor they are going to hold a placard that says, ‘I’m the one’. Then isn’t it a big problem? 
                                  In their mid-twenties, everyone starts wondering if they are with the right person or not and if not then how are they going to find ‘The one’. Well, this post is for them who have some suspects of being ‘The one’ in their lives but they are not sure which one of them is it!
                                                       Firstly and most importantly make sure that in the company of that person you remain what you are. I mean a monkey can find a crocodile very attractive but then for how much time can he survive living in a pond and behaving like a crocodile. Thus;

Rule 1: If you are a monkey, make sure you remain one and not end up with a crocodile in his pond.

                                          Secondly, people give so much weightage to looks while finding ‘The one’. They want perfect height, built, features and complexion in their prospective ones. Spoiler alert! This is the known fact of this universe that once you possess something it isn’t that much attractive as it used to be. Remember all the extravagant shopping you’ve done? Let it be a watch so pretty or a car so adorable. Do they seem as charming to you now as when you didn’t have them?

Rule 2: Even that awesome Gucci watch wouldn’t remain so awesome once when it is yours! Go for virtues you dumb.

         Then again, remember nothing in this world is absolute. Everything falls in one or another category of the relativity. So don’t go mad if you discover that your partner is not perfect because even you aren’t and no one is. If someone despite of all your irritating habits and shortcomings wants to live with you and listens to you with interest, trust me there is nothing more you could ask for.

Rule 3: Even gases follow real gas theory and not the perfect gas theory due to van der walls forces. So be realistic and keep calm!

Okay enough talking for now. Besties for the hunt people.

Love you all..!

Stay tuned.