
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Beyond That Smudged Mascara ..

                 “Since a very long time (almost five to six thousands years), she was wondering what was missing in her life. Something was creating a void in her heart, a void which was sized greater than the ozone hole situated above Antarctica. A void so grave, that it endangered her whole being. A void that welcomed so many nights with smudged mascara and tears drenched pillows in her life.                                                                      
                                                                                        That void was created under so dark some circumstances that it turned even darker and refused to go. Those circumstances are irrelevant and they need not to be here in this post so I’m excluding them on purpose. That void gave her immense pain but that pain became her habit to such a level so that soon it became her lighthouse and her albatross simultaneously.
She wanted to fill that void but she found herself so weak to complete that task alone. She looked for someone who could help her with that. She was so desperate in doing so that she engaged herself in some abusive relationships. How were those relationships and what went wrong with them is also irrelevant here so I would skip that too.
           All her life she was waiting for someone who could love her, who could support her when she had questions about her existence and who could take care of her. Eventually she found out one day that the person she was looking for since ever was none other than herself. She started loving herself and she realized that it was the most genuine form of love she ever witnessed.

                                                        A balanced mind and a healthy body were the results of that self love. The hardships and the lonely nights became her lessons of the life and soon she became invincible and that void turned into an epitome of confidence sized of Mt. Cotopaxi. She was an alpha woman now, absorbing and radiating more happiness than she ever thought of.’’


If reading this story made you feel like you can see yourself in the pre-change-protagonist, irrespective of your gender, it is high time you should take the same route as she did for a few reasons,
    1.     None other than yourself can help you. It’s your life, your struggles, your traumas and last but not the least, your story!
    2.     Staying in an abusive relationship means you can’t take a stand for yourself, if you can’t do that why anyone else would do.
    3.     Your body and mind are the greatest assets you can ever have. Be friends with them and they will stand for you always.
    4.     Life is too pretty to be wasted.

5.     Smudged mascara is hard to remove and drenched pillows smell awful the next morning!

So take care all of you lovely ones and stay happy !!


  1. "When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits — anything that kept me small. My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving."
    — Kim McMillen

    1. "I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself."

      -Rita Mae Brown

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