Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mars, Venus.. whatever !

        I don’t believe in that theory that says all the men are from mars and women from Venus. I mean, you can say it about majority but exceptions would always be there. There are some men who are Venusian and Martian women are there as well. Once I took on a quiz on internet that asked me all sort of random and weird questions and declared my mind is 68% male. Well I wasn’t too surprised at this result as I knew this fact since ever.
         My mind doesn’t work like a Venusian mind. It’s clearly Martian. For starters I don't like being miserable and that whole lets-talk-this-out part and then when someone suggests me to think about anything from my heart, I always wonder what my brain will do then? Heart has it’s clear function to pump and circulate blood throughout our body, then why to engage it in some extracurricular activity? It’s like asking Pope to take place of Brad Pitt or vice-versa. Whoever suggested that opposites attract didn't conclude this statement with the phrase ‘only to torture each other’. It’s very hard to keep a Venusian partner happy. If you are from mars and your partner is Venusian, trust me you are neck deep in trouble. If you will talk too much she/he will complain that you never listen and if you listen she/he will say that you never actually participate in the talks. And if relationship is this hard just think how hard breaking up is going to be!
      Never tell them that you want a breakup straightforwardly. It will blow them off. Just start with how good they are and how happy you are with them but how you are not able to do justice with the love they shower upon you. Conclude this speech with you-deserve-someone-better part. ‘I was lying in bed one day and was thinking about our relationship’ is always a good start. Don’t torture yourself with the thought that they deserve truth more than anything. It will just make them more miserable if you will tell them that how they damaged this relationship. They just need some good words and some appreciation so after that end of this talk would not matter much to them.

       And how to say ‘we should end this’ in Martian? Well, just say ‘we should end this!’

            Actually it’s weird but I feel that animals are better at breaking up than us. I’ve never seen a jealous hen fighting with her partner as he started going out with someone else. I even read in a research that a bull never mates with same cow twice. He can’t be fooled into it by any trick. Which is good in a way as the cow won’t be sitting near phone wondering if that second date might ever happen! Animals have a silent understanding that this thing is not working anymore. This suggests that animals are from a better planet than mars or Venus without any exception!


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

He writes, She writes !

The guy’s version-

My dear,

   Addressing you is always something that requires much efforts from my side as firstly, I’m not a very expressive kind of person and then you know almost everything about me. You and your company give me immense pleasure and that’s how I describe my relationship with you. Verboseness and grandiloquence is not the area that interests me. I know sometimes you want to listen words coated with sugar of love but saying them makes me feel uncomfortable! The love I feel for you surpasses all the worldly things. It is so simple yet so complex to describe that I prefer to remain silent. I request you not to force me to be too expressive as it will ruin the sanctity of my love.

    Also, term ‘future’ scares the hell out of me, when you ask me what our future is, I get sweat drops on my forehead as thinking about the past and contemplating about the future, both of us have wasted quite a long time of our lives. I want us to enjoy the beauty of the present.

   The things we talk are simply amazing. The smell of raindrops, the beauty of a verse, pronunciation of a word, clouds, worries, fears and life..everything! I want to appreciate the beauty of so many things with you. I really do!

    I know you put lot of efforts to keep it going on with me and I acknowledge your efforts wholeheartedly if not verbally. But trust me; even I’m putting efforts into it. Thanks for coming in my life!

Falsely yours!


The girl’s version-

My dear,

   Addressing you is always a pleasure as you are the one with whom I can speak my heart out. I want to know more of you. You and your company give me immense pleasure and that’s what makes our relationship so strong. I know you love me a lot but sometimes I want to hear it from you. It’s not like I don’t trust this fact that you love me but listening it again and again makes me feel so special. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I am not afraid to say it. But I understand that you don’t want to dilute the importance of these feelings so you keep quiet generally.

  When I ask you what is our future, it’s just the acknowledgement of the fact that how happy I am with you in present. I feel uncomfortable when your reply is just a moment of tormenting silence.

  The things we talk are simply amazing. The vastness of the subject of our talks overwhelms me with heavenly joy. You are my best friend and my partner both. I want to have innumerable conversations like these with you. I really do!

   And lastly be yourself, I can bear with your disguised love but I can’t bear with the idea of you tormenting yourself to make it up with me. I appreciate whatever you do for me. Thanks for coming in my life!

Truly yours,


listen this blogpost as a souncloud file here-

Friday, September 12, 2014

Is he/she the one?

      In life it’s important to be with the right person. Next question that could pop in your mind is, ‘how to find that right person?’ I mean we neither possess any x-ray vision so that we’d be able to distinguish them from others nor they are going to hold a placard that says, ‘I’m the one’. Then isn’t it a big problem? 
                                  In their mid-twenties, everyone starts wondering if they are with the right person or not and if not then how are they going to find ‘The one’. Well, this post is for them who have some suspects of being ‘The one’ in their lives but they are not sure which one of them is it!
                                                       Firstly and most importantly make sure that in the company of that person you remain what you are. I mean a monkey can find a crocodile very attractive but then for how much time can he survive living in a pond and behaving like a crocodile. Thus;

Rule 1: If you are a monkey, make sure you remain one and not end up with a crocodile in his pond.

                                          Secondly, people give so much weightage to looks while finding ‘The one’. They want perfect height, built, features and complexion in their prospective ones. Spoiler alert! This is the known fact of this universe that once you possess something it isn’t that much attractive as it used to be. Remember all the extravagant shopping you’ve done? Let it be a watch so pretty or a car so adorable. Do they seem as charming to you now as when you didn’t have them?

Rule 2: Even that awesome Gucci watch wouldn’t remain so awesome once when it is yours! Go for virtues you dumb.

         Then again, remember nothing in this world is absolute. Everything falls in one or another category of the relativity. So don’t go mad if you discover that your partner is not perfect because even you aren’t and no one is. If someone despite of all your irritating habits and shortcomings wants to live with you and listens to you with interest, trust me there is nothing more you could ask for.

Rule 3: Even gases follow real gas theory and not the perfect gas theory due to van der walls forces. So be realistic and keep calm!

Okay enough talking for now. Besties for the hunt people.

Love you all..!

Stay tuned.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The one about blah-blah-hood and it's consequences!

Being talkative is fun! Isn’t it? I mean look at the beauty of being talkative. You can utter every single thought even before it comes in your mind fully, the final (and initial, and middle, and every) call has to be yours; you can be a true beneficiary of that 1paisa/2 minute scheme your network is providing and so on! But..wait, with the benefits come inevitable side effects too. First of all you will start losing track of time as this blah-blah-hood will lead you to spend hours in those monologues, your room mate will have to suffer with your somniloquy and the worst part is some people will start considering you as a relationship expert. You will end up explaining them ‘what-to-do-and-what-not-to’ in a relationship. Now that’s  total crap because beauty of blah-blah-ism lies in talking nonsense and whatever comes in your mind and not in what people want to hear!

Lately I’ve come in contact with so many creeps who wanted relationship advises from me. So I thought why not to put advises in a write-up form and make myself free from this recurrent torture.
Hence here are some bits and essence of relationship advises from my side-

First of all, never ever ask for your partner’s credentials of social networking sites. You may end up finding a chat in which he/she used a winky smiley or some subtle signs of flirt with someone that is totally normal but it will make you crying your eyes out and thinking all the nonsense stuffs! So never ever have his/her credentials and if you have them don’t ever use them for two reasons-
1.      For your own good stupid! You don’t want to shatter peace of your mind.
2.   Saying, ‘see! How much I trust you baby!’ is an all time great line.

Secondly, keep them telling about your latest crushes. It makes them believe that you have some life of your own. I mean, come on! ‘there-could-be-no-one-else-I-can-even-look-at’ line seems too cheesy and irritating some times. There should be some variation and element of surprise but (Alert!) at the same time don’t take it too far like ‘ohh-I-cant-stop-thinking-about-my-latest-crush’. Always remember to drop your crush within a week by telling your partner, ‘uhh, I don’t find him/her attractive any more’.

And then what..umm..yeah!you might be a hilarious person, making fun of everyone (and of your partner) all the time but at times give them a spec of sincerity too by telling them how special they are and how lucky you are having them. Talk to them about various things so that they get to know how dynamic of a person you are! 

And do an array of all the similar things like mentioned here.

 If these don’t work out, please don’t come to me. I beg you I’m not a relationship expert.

And if it was enough, let me go back to my ‘blah-blah-hood’!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

You don't care! Really?

    It’s interesting how carelessly people use the phrase ‘uhh, I don’t care’ for the things they eventually start caring for the most. Trust me, it can be anything like a costly pair of shoes they can’t afford, a relationship or a death by chocolate cake containing calories equivalent to their monthly diet chart. It simply can happen with anything.
                                                                                             Umm.. like someday you hear about a death by chocolate cake from a famous bakery. You peep at it during your next visit to buy confectionary. You find it so tempting and to-die-for at the same time but you just shrug your shoulders saying, ‘uhh, I don’t care’. You’re back to home but the cake keeps on haunting you. It comes in your dreams and dance in front of you all the time. You want it so badly that you go back to buy it. You start eating it on a regular basis and soon you are addicted. And before you realize it you are in a committed relationship with this cake. For the time being you feel happy and content.
                          But along with this brief happiness, inevitable side-effects come too. The extra calories totally ruin your dieting chart and counterbalance the hard work you put on in doing Yoga, workout and cardio. Your belly starts saying hi to you. You see it happening but you deceit yourself thinking its casual, not that important in your life and you can throw it out of your life whenever you want. But soon enough you’re trapped in its charm.
                                                                                You keep on visiting the shop and bringing it home. Your friends hold interventions and warn you that you should stop seeing this cake. You make promises that you’ll kick it out of your life but now is not a good time. Soon you realize that you deserve a kick at your posterior to let this cake enter in your life at the first place but now it’s too late and you are completely helpless.
                                                          And after a whole gamut of traumatic events and confessions you get rid of your dysfunctional relationship with this cake. You cry your eyes out and decide that never ever you’ll utter the words, ‘uhh, I don’t care’ again. Because caring a little bit, trying it out for a little while and then let it go with ease is much better than what you just did. Right? Right!

And no, this post is  not about the cake, you moron!

Monday, February 3, 2014

A letter to the one part-2

Dear You,
               It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve addressed you. Last time I wrote you a letter I felt as if you were approaching towards me. But two years have been passed and there is still no sign of you. I wonder what happened? May be you joined AAP and doing Dharna somewhere. If that’s the case, please baby come and find me first. Afterwards we’ll do Dharna together. May be it’s not the case. May be you haven’t found me as you don’t know whom to look for. So I’m giving you a clearer picture of myself to make things easy for you. Here are some salient characteristics of me-          

1. I don’t believe in dressing ostentatiously. Most of the time you’ll find me in shorts, wearing specs and making love to my laptop by immersing in it completely.

 2. I’m not pretty. You can find me smart, sharp, easy going kind of person but not pretty. So make yourself clear if I’m the one you are looking for.

 3. I love making fun of even the most boring events and recounting those stories to everyone but on the other hand I’m tended towards silence at times.

 4. Some days I wake up with an idea all over my mind and it lingers to me for the whole day. But you know, as the days change my ideas change too. But it applies only to superficial issues. For core issues my opinion remains the same.

 5. I am not perfect. I made and make mistakes. But I can assure you I’ll not repeat the same mistake all over again.

                In my standard 7th science textbook I read about symbiotic    relationship in which both organisms are dependant on each other.  Well I’m looking for the same thing in my love life. This idea    charms me like hell.
                           Though I know that chances of our meeting are very slim but I trust in destiny. I’m waiting for you. And I’m in love with the idea of loving you already. So come fast, find me and let me recount “How I met your father” story to our future kids.

Much more things in mind but,

Rest in the depth of future.


        February 3, 2014