Sunday, October 29, 2017

Social media and Life..

    Nowadays I often receive notifications from my social media accounts like, ‘Did you see what X commented on Y’s profile picture’? Or ‘Have you seen latest check-in by your friend Z’? Similarly the e-shopping apps send ‘See how much one of your contacts saved on that deal!’ kind of alerts every now and then. Seeing all this I wonder, isn’t it all just a more refined e-version of our neighborhood aunties who are always busy in gossiping about what someone said or what someone did?


      Jokes apart, actually the social media has impacted our lives beyond our imaginations. Gone are the days when people used to go on a trip for enjoyment, purchase something to fulfill a purpose or say, read a book to enhance their knowledge pool. Now each and every of these things and a lot of many other things are done only, so that people can brag about themselves on social media. Fame of a person is measured on the basis of how many likes and comments are earned by him/her.

      In our advents of making our lives a social affair, we forget some basic things like; we have a real life too! Remember the last time when you didn't open your social media accounts for more than a few hours? I also confess that my fingers automatically go to the links of these accounts periodically and I browse and come across everything that’s none of my business. Realizing this all, I miss the times when instead of having 756 Facebook friends, I had just 2-3 friends whom I knew inside out and kept in touch with always. I miss the times when we used to travel and gather experiences rather than gathering selfies.
       So what is the way out, you ask? I remember once I forgot my cell phone while going for work. That whole day I experienced strange kind of peace within me, also on a trip to a difficult terrain I remained cellular-networks-less for more than a week. Undoubtedly it was the time when I re-connected to myself, I felt like I found a long lost friend—Me. So it’s as simple as this, ditch the virtual world every once in awhile and immerse in experiences that life provides you with. ‘Don’t make life a monochromatic experience rather witness all hues and shades of it’, suggested a wise man recently!  


Monday, October 23, 2017

When slugs throw dirt on you !

  If you are a rising superstar, you must have come across a common situation sometime, somewhere in your life ( Yes, It's a definite sign of being a superstar). This situation arises when some slugs try to throw dirt on you. They do it for two reasons, firstly they don't have anything substantial to do in their lives and then, they can't withstand your aura. They don't have guts and qualities to upgrade themselves to your level so they try to downgrade you to their level. 
   Now, the question arises what to do and not to do when it happens with you. Here is a short list, 

1. First of all, be super happy about it as it shows you have qualities or achievements, they are jealous of. Always remember no one throws dust on someone who is on a downfall. Slugs throw dirt only on rising superstars. Celebrate this fact ! 

2. Stand firmly for whatever you feel is right. In the end nothing matters except what you stood for and how firm you were in doing so. A person who doesn't stand for anything is basically a spineless person. Live like a legend, not like an earthworm. 

3. Don't pay heed to their efforts of vilifying your image as those who have some brains wouldn't believe those slugs and those who believe in them, themselves belong to their category. You don't owe anyone any explanation. 

4. Laugh and smile even more as it will break their hearts so bad and make them wonder that why are you not shattering despite of their mightiest efforts. 

5. And last but not the least, never ever go down to their level. Always keep the difference between you and them alive. After all, you're a rising superstar who has to conquer this world !